Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Classroom Treats!

Tomorrow is Christopher's Halloween party at school so I decided to make one of our favorite Halloween treats!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Dinner

Even though we are a few days away from Halloween, we had our traditional Halloween dinner since this is the only day off my husband and I both have together. After last nights garage disaster (will post a picture of my handy work later!), it was nice to have a worry free night filled with Halloween fun!

Christopher mixing his potions 

Christopher's potions in action! 

Christopher named each food item that we ate.
Here we have bat wings (chips), blood (salsa), and witches guts (guacamole)

We also ate some witches cat tails (asparagus)

The kids ate brains (noodles), Halloween macaroni and Cheese and witches heart (chicken parmesan )

Here are some witches brains and witches hearts covered in blood! 

Happy Halloween! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fresh Picked Veggies and Homemade Bread

Last nights dinner was amazing thanks to the fresh vegetables Christopher picked! 

Christopher got  dirty (what he does best!) pulling out the veggies from the ground,
while I scrubbed the veggies clean and cooked them for dinner (what I do best!)

After dinner I made some homemade bread.. yum! (Picture below)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkins, Pumpkins and more Pumpkins!

Today we started off the morning with some homemade biscuits and gravy... yum! We needed something to fill us up for the whole day! Cal Poly has such an awesome pumpkin patch that they do one weekend in October, so we did that this morning and then did Tanaka Farms after with Christopher's Cub Scout Den. Needless to say both boys were covered from head to toe in dirt and needed a good scrubbing before bed!

Our little pumpkins all loaded up in the truck ;)

Tractor ride at Tanaka Farms

Corn Maze

 Picking Vegetables 
We came home with fresh picked beats, onions, carrots and green beans! 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Popcorn and Pumpkin Bread

Today marked the end of the Boy Scout Popcorn sale. Christopher raised $435!!! I am proud to say that he went over his goal which was $300! A special thanks to all who supported the Scouts by buying popcorn! 

While dinner was in the oven (Ranch Chicken), I whipped up some homemade Pumpkin Bread and  swapped it into the oven when the chicken was finished so it would be ready for desert.  Tonight was the first time either of the boys had had Pumpkin Bread... and LOVED it! They were begging to have another slice! 
Now I know that Pumpkin Bread is usually made at this time of year, but it looks like I'll be making it year round and a snack for the two of them! 

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Sick Gloomy Day

Such a nice change in the weather! Yesterday it rained and hailed and was dark and was overcast all day. Today is gloomy, which is suiting since Christopher woke up at 6 this morning throwing up!  Yes, a 6 a.m. wake up call after working from 8:50 a.m- 7:30 p.m. yesterday! Boy I am thankful that he knows to run to the toilet! To make my little man feel better, I made him some homemade chicken noodle soup  and turned on Looney Toons :) . He seems to be feeling a lot better this afternoon and is begging me for a slice of the homemade pumpkin pie every 5 minutes!

 For the rest of today  I'll be sweeping, mopping and folding... I'm so glad the fall weather is finally here!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fall Fun!

It's finally starting to feel like fall out! 

The boys and I were able to walk around the local Farmers Market after lunch without breaking a sweat! 

My favorite part of fall is going to the Cal Polly Pumpkin Patch and Tanaka Farms to pick pumpkins and veggies :)

 Lunch time yum! 

The pumpkin we grew last fall

The Farmers Market 

It's a little late, but for only $10 I had to buy it! 

Some photos from the past few years of both Cal Polly and Tanaka Farms

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Hot Fall Day!

It is October 1 and a 107 degrees out! UGH! 

Today consisted of keeping cool, decorating for fall, keeping cool, laundry...
 did I mention keeping cool?!

Our snack this afternoon... takes you back to your preschool days! 

*Some decorating*

Loved making these candy corn pots!