Monday, October 15, 2012

Popcorn and Pumpkin Bread

Today marked the end of the Boy Scout Popcorn sale. Christopher raised $435!!! I am proud to say that he went over his goal which was $300! A special thanks to all who supported the Scouts by buying popcorn! 

While dinner was in the oven (Ranch Chicken), I whipped up some homemade Pumpkin Bread and  swapped it into the oven when the chicken was finished so it would be ready for desert.  Tonight was the first time either of the boys had had Pumpkin Bread... and LOVED it! They were begging to have another slice! 
Now I know that Pumpkin Bread is usually made at this time of year, but it looks like I'll be making it year round and a snack for the two of them! 


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